
Entity Definition

Logical Name : Salutation
Physical Name : PA_SLN

An honorific or form of address which normally precedes a person's name. Examples include: - Mr. - Dr. - Ms. - Sr. - Honorable (Hon.)

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
SalutationCode (PK) A code that describes a type of salutation (Mr, Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.) LU_SLN Code6 char(6)
SalutationName A name of a Salutation NM_SLN Name varchar(40)
SalutationDescription A short description of a salutation. DE_SLN DescriptionShort varchar(255)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Salutation is used by PersonSalutation

Logical Views containing Salutation

Logical View
Logical 06315 - Party - Person Names View
Logical 06320 - Party - Address and Contact View
Logical 06330 - Party - Identification View
Logical 07010 - Customer Account Information Extended